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Does Your Partner?


It is important to be aware of the warning signs of an abusive relationship early on, but many times, partners become invested in the relationship before they realize what has happened.

Many abusers are described as having a "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" personality.  To people on the outside looking in, the abuser may appear to be very friendlly and sociable, but the reality is much different.  

If you experience any of the following, you could be in an abusive relationship.  Please seek help and call SafeHomes 24/7 crisis hotline.


  • Embarass you with bad names or insults?
  • Look at you or act in ways that scare you?
  • Control what you do, where you go, or who you see and talk to?
  • Prevent you from getting or keeping a job?
  • Control all the money?
  • Make all the decisions?
  • Call you a bad parent or threaten to leave you, taking the children or pets?
  • Threaten to harm your children or pets?
  • Downplay, deny or blame abuse on you?
  • Isolate you from friends and family?
  • Intimidate you with weapons?
  • Use physical force such as hitting, shoving, strangling, holding you or doing things against your will?
  • Threaten to harm you or themselves if you leave the relationship?
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