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October is DVAM


dvam2 | Safe Homes

1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men in the US have experienced some form of physical violence by an intimate partner.   1 in 15 children are exposed to domestic violence each year.*  

When we hear these stats, we often want to act, but maybe we aren't sure how.  But you CAN make a difference.  Below are a few ways you can support survivors & honor victims during the month of October as we recognize Domestic Violence Awareness Month 2021.

1. Follow us on social media and share our content.  Letting others know you care by being a mission ambassador may open a conversation with someone and lead them to support and safety.

2. Wear purple.  For all the reasons above.  Post about it on social media, use #GoPurple @SafeHomesDV and be entered to win a SafeHomes tee! 

3. Eat at Manuel's Bread Cafe and order "The Kendrick".  Every time you do, $20 will be donated to SafeHomes thanks to Kendrick Paint & Body and Manuel's Bread Cafe.

4.  Set up a monthly recurring gift of just $10. Your financial gift will help us provide food, shelter, counseling, client financial assistance and other supplies needed to run our facility day in and day out.

Lastly, you're invited to kick things off with us on Monday, October 4th as we light the Teardrop on AU's Summerville Campus PURPLE.  We hope to see you there at 6:30 p.m.!

*Source: NCADV

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